poule-et-poussin-bioIf you are among those who care about the welfare of animals, you will be glad to know that organic producers share this concern with you. The organic sector has been at the forefront of animal welfare for some time now, adopting measures reflecting this conviction.Besides being fed 100% organic forage and grains, animals destined for the organic market are treated with respect. It is mandatory that they be allowed outdoors and, when indoors, to enjoy a more spacious area ; two advantages which contribute to their well-being. With regard to transporting the animals, it is regulated by strict standards that ensure transporting is done under the best possible conditions.

boeuf-bio-champFurthermore, if an animal destined for slaughter raised in conformity with organic standards gets sick and requires antibiotics, the producer will not let it suffer unnecessarily. Once properly treated, the animal is simply downgraded, since it can no longer be certified as organic. In the case of dairy cows treated with antibiotics, a period of one year must pass before its milk can again qualify for organic certification. Organic producers are known to have a high ethical standard in the raising of livestock.