As we realize that the quality of food we consume plays a role in the proper functioning of body and mind, do we really want to be voluntarily ingesting toxic products ? A recent U.S. study (source : PANNA Email News Service) involving children aged from 2 to 4 years (the age group most at risk considering the ratio of food ingested in proportion to body mass) revealed that children being fed organic food have six times lower concentrations of pesticide residue than children consuming regular products…. definitely food for thought !

sante-bioWe’ve all heard of antibiotic resistant bacteria; to reduce their spread in meat and the environment, Europe has prohibited the use of antibiotics for stimulating livestock growth. An American judge is leading a crusade to force our neighbors from the south to do the same. Here in Canada, it is still allowed! You may be surprised to know that 80% of antibiotics used in this country are administered to animals (source: Public Health Agency of Canada). By including food free of pesticides, antibiotics, and artificial growth hormones into your diet, you are sparing your body of unhealthy chemical substances. By choosing organic meat, you reduce your risk of developing cancer and other diseases !

champ-de-bleAre you familiar with genetically modified organisms (GMO’s)? ? Many conventional foods (non organic) contain GMO’s. The main genetically-modified crops are (in order of significance) soy, cotton, corn, and canola/rapeseed. More than 80% of GMO’s are intended for livestock feed. As such, bovine, pork, and poultry destined for food production are fed transgenic corn or soy. Did you know that 80% of all conventional soy globally produced is genetically modified ? Unfortunately, a GMO labelling is not yet mandatory in Canada. If it was, consumers would realize how extensive the use of GMO’s is and would surely have a negative impact on the agri-food industry.