Clearly, game meat is an excellent choice ! 

Generally, game meat is low in fat and high in protein. A 75g serving contains from 1g to 3g of fat, depending on the type of game. In comparison, an equal serving of chicken contains from 3g to 7g of fat. For beef, fat content varies from 3g to 11g in lean cuts.

Vous pouvez consulter un tableau comparatif de la composition moyenne et approximative de quelques viandes crues pour 100 g  (


Researchers have also found that the incidence of colorectal cancers increased with consumption of high-fat meat (sausages, entrails, cold cuts) and decreased with consumption of lean red meat.

Therefore, the low content of total fats and of saturated fats in game meat should be considered beneficial to good health, especially if it replaces meat richer in fat in one’s diet.

A question of quantity, according to the Canadian Cancer Society !

The Canadian Cancer Society recommends consuming 3 servings per week of red meat (85-gram portions). Meat containing less fat is preferable, especially for individuals who are overweight or suffer from high cholesterol and triglycerides. Game meat constitutes an excellent choice if you are looking for meat that is lower in fat and having a good source of protein !

cholesterolA recent review of over 50 research studies has shown that lean red meat, with visible fat removed, does not raise total cholesterol or «bad» cholesterol when it is eaten as part of a diet low in saturated fat. These results confirm that eating a moderate amount of lean red meat (such as game) can be part of a healthy diet. Red meat contains compounds that may protect against cancer. In fact, studies have shown that high blood levels of zinc and selenium reduce the incidence of certain cancers. These minerals are present in large quantity in red meat, especially that of game.

Red deer meat is 5 times less fatty than beef. It is therefore recommended for many weight-loss diets since it is considered a good source of protein and is low in calories. Its Iron and vitamin B content also contribute in making red deer meat a healthy venison prized by nutritionists.

bison2Among the « new » meats that are becoming increasingly sought-after, we find bison meat, which contains less calories, less cholesterol and up to 75% less fat than traditional red meat. In fact, bison meat is very lean. Low in fat and calories, this game offers a good source of iron as well as considerable vitamin B12 content. As such, bison meat is highly prized by nutritionists. Another interesting fact about bison meat; it is hypoallergenic.